AI for Smart Marketing

Neha Uddin
AI for smart marketing

Many businesses employ AI for smart marketing solutions to improve their operational efficiency while increasing consumer engagement. By using AI technologies, marketers gain a more nuanced and comprehensive picture of their target audiences, and the data obtained can be used to boost conversions while minimizing efforts.

What is Artificial Intelligence (AI) Marketing, and How does it Work?

Artificial Intelligence (AI) marketing makes automated decisions based on collected data and conducts further assessments of audience or consumption patterns that may influence marketing efforts. Teams can widely use AI for smart marketing in initiatives where speed is everything.

Likewise, AI systems understand how to communicate with customers based on data and customer profiles. Furthermore, these systems also deliver personalized content at the right time without human intervention, assuring maximum productivity.

Similarly, many marketers employ AI for smart marketing to assist their teams, or carry out more tactical tasks that require less human expertise. Such tasks can include automated decision-making, data analysis, and real-time personalization, among others.  

AI in Marketing: What It Is and What It Isn’t

Artificial Intelligence is essential in helping marketers connect with customers. As such, the following AI marketing components make up today’s leading solutions. They can help bridge the gap between customer data acquired and the practical steps marketing teams can take for future campaigns-

  • Solutions for AI Platforms

AI-powered solutions give you a single platform to manage massive amounts of data. These platforms then provide you with actionable marketing knowledge about your target audience. Consequently, the platform then allows you to make data-driven judgments about how to best communicate with customers. Frameworks like Bayesian Learning and Forgetting, for example, help marketers determine how responsive a customer is to a particular marketing tactic.

  • Machine Learning (ML)

Artificial Intelligence drives machine learning– algorithms that study data and improve automatically over time. The machine learning devices, thus, assess new data in the context of historical data. Subsequently, the assessment allows them to make decisions based on what has or has not worked successfully.

  • Metrics and Big Data

Similarly, with the rise of digital media and big data, marketers can also evaluate their efforts better. Teams can also correctly allocate value across channels. To elaborate, there is an overabundance of data. Hence, many marketers face challenges when it comes to establishing which data sets are worth gathering.

How Can Artificial Intelligence (AI) Be Used in Marketing?

A well-thought-out strategy is critical when using AI in marketing campaigns and operations. It will help marketing teams avoid costly difficulties. Additionally, a good strategy can also help teams quickly get the most out of their AI investment.

Before using AI technology for marketing efforts, there are a few critical factors to consider:

  • Objectives

Firstly, as with any marketing program, it is vital to establish defined goals and marketing metrics from the beginning. Start by identifying regions inside campaigns or procedures where AI could assist, or segmenting. To enhance customer experience, defining KPIs will reveal how successful the AI-enhanced campaign has been.

  • Data Protection Regulations

Secondly, when you begin your AI program, make certain that your AI platform will not cross the border of acceptable data-use in the name of personalization. Thus, to preserve compliance and consumer trust, make sure you concretely define privacy rules. Then, program them into platforms as needed.

  • Sources and Quantity of Data

Similarly, to get started with AI marketing, marketers have to have access to a multitude of data on client preferences, external trends, and other variables that will affect ad performance. As such, teams can glean this information through the company’s CRM, marketing initiatives, and website. Likewise, marketers can also use second-and third-party data. This can include location, weather, and other environmental factors that influence a purchase.

  • Recruit Data Science Experts

The next point to consider is this- many marketing teams lack data science and artificial intelligence skills. This can make it challenging to work with large amounts of data and derive insights. Thus, to get projects off the ground, companies should collaborate with third-party organizations that help with data collecting, analysis, and continue maintenance.

  • Ensure Data Quality

Finally, machine learning systems learn how to make decisions by ingesting more data. However, insights are ineffective when data is not standardized or error-free. AI algorithms may even make decisions that harm campaigns. Hence, before using AI marketing, marketing teams must work with data management teams and other business lines to build data cleansing and management processes.

Choosing a Machine Learning Platform

A vital initial step when it comes to AI for smart marketing is selecting the right platform for launching an AI marketing campaign. Marketers should be careful to identify gaps the platform attempts to address and choose solutions based on their capabilities. For example, products used to boost customer satisfaction with AI require different functionality than tools used to improve speed and productivity. 

Additionally, keep in mind the level of transparency you’ll need to understand why an AI platform came to a particular conclusion. Depending on the algorithm, marketing teams may receive a clear report on why AI made particular decisions, and which data influenced the conclusion.

You can also read our previous blog about how businesses can leverage AI: 10 Benefits and Applications of AI in Business.

Those who do not use AI marketing will be replaced by those who do. According to Gartner, folks in charge of marketing insights will no longer be as successful in this new marketing landscape if AI is not leveraged.